We consider ourselves European-Americans. We are starting our company in the US, as we believe in the importance of respecting the traditions and regulations of the market we are a part of. We aim to create shared success with our partners, valuable win-win situations through cooperation. Our goal is to make the best of our Great American Dream and make 100x Global 100x bigger.
At the same time, we have our European roots and wish to stay true to the, at least partly. We are working in accordance with the traditional commercial attitude and try to leverage our previous experiences gained on European markets.
Our founders, Ákos and Norbi already have a fascinating career, so their professionalism is unquestionable. What proves it?
In addition, they are strong believers of lifelong learning and are set on trying themselves in new areas each time they get the chance to. Spurred and inspired by their clients’ feedback and general accomplishments, their commitments to growth, learning and further success is constant.
This is what we believe will guarantee the fulfillment of our goals and dreams: to grow 100x bigger.
Our experience makes the 100x Global LLC a good partner, our loyalty a great one and our hard work, the best.